
發(fā)布時間:2018-11-16 編輯:考研派小莉 推薦訪問:


池島喬——沈陽藥科大學碩士研究生導師介紹 正文

導師姓名 池島喬 性別 導師類別 博導\\碩導
研究方向 抗嚴抗腫瘤分子藥理\\抗衰老藥理
職稱/院士 教授
導師學位 博士
信箱(地址) 111號信箱
池 島 喬 
池 島 喬 (Takshi Ikejima) 
技術職稱:教授/所長 博士生導師 
1972年3月 日本東北大學理學部生物學科畢業(yè) 
1972年4月 日本東北大學研究生院理學研究科碩士入學 
1974年4月 日本東北大學研究生院理學研究科博士入學 
1978年3月 理學博士 
1977年11月 橫濱市立大學醫(yī)學部第一解剖學教研室助教 
1980年7月 (美國)Harvard(哈佛)大學醫(yī)學院客座副教授 
1982年9月 Tufts大學(美國Boston市)醫(yī)學院實驗醫(yī)學部研究員 
1983年7月 Tufts大學醫(yī)學院實驗醫(yī)學部講師 
1986年7月 Tufts大學醫(yī)學院地域醫(yī)學及感染癥部副教授 
1992年4月 日本萬有制藥株式會社(美國Merck公司分公司)分子生物學研究所、細胞生化學研究部長 
1996年6月 兼任日本國立予防衛(wèi)生研究所(現(xiàn)國立感染癥研究所)客座研究員 
1996年7月 長春中醫(yī)學院中日聯(lián)合研究室客座教授 
1998年4月 哈爾濱醫(yī)科大學顧問教授 
1998年12月 暨南大學(廣州)客座教授 
2001年6月 長春中醫(yī)學院附屬醫(yī)院中日醫(yī)學研究所所長教授 
2002年2月 沈陽藥科大學中日醫(yī)藥研究所所長教授 
2002年4月 沈陽藥科大學博士生導師 
2002年11月 遼寧中醫(yī)學院客座教授 
2003年4月 廣州中醫(yī)藥大學客座教授 
2004年1月 日本皮革研究所客座研究員 
1978年3月   理學博士 (日本東北大學第550號) 
1981年3月   英語高級(美國Harvard University 哈佛大學) 
1994年7月  漢語測試合格(日本漢語測試協(xié)會)
選用天然產物的精制單體化合物,即吳茱萸堿(evodiamine)、冬凌草甲素(oridonin)、及其它由沈陽藥科大學提取精制的天然藥物單體等為誘導劑,研究其藥理作用機制,在分子水平上尋找這些藥物作用的新靶點, 建立藥物篩選模型,開發(fā)新型抗癌、抗衰老藥物。研究水飛薊素(silymarin)等具有抗衰老藥理作用的天然藥物單體對各種病理生理刺激誘導凋亡的細胞的影響,篩選出具有抗凋亡活性的藥物單體,研究其作用機制,為開發(fā)抗衰老藥物奠定基礎。在研究過程中,我們發(fā)現(xiàn)天然產物單體不僅起到誘導(拮抗)凋亡,同時還能誘導癌細胞吞噬(自噬),以及誘導癌細胞老化等作用。本研究小組目的在于從分子生物學、生物化學及免疫學等方面闡明這些中藥單體對細胞膜、細胞質、及細胞核內生物活性物質的藥理學作用,尋找新的藥物作用靶點。闡明炎癥,凋亡,自噬,衰老之間的相互關系,以開發(fā)新型具有抗炎、抗癌、抗衰老作用的新藥。 

聯(lián)系電話:(辦公室)024-23844463 或?。▽嶒炇遥?24-23986973
E-mail: ikejimat@vip.sina.com (漢語,英語,日語)
1. Dan Li, Lijun Wu, Shin-ichi Tashiro, Satoshi Onodera, Takashi Ikejima. Oridonin induces human epidermoid carcinoma A431 cell apoptosis through tyrosine kinase and mitochondrial pathway. J Asian Natur Product Res, 10(1):77-87, 2008. 
2. Jia Yang, Li-jun Wu, Shin-ichi Tashiro, Satoshi Onodera, Takashi Ikejima. Nitric oxide activated by p38 and NF-κB facilitates apoptosis and cell cycle arrest under oxidative stress in evodiamine-treated human melanoma A375-S2 cells. Free Radical Research, 42:1-11, 2008.
3. Hongjun Wang, Dan Li, Fanyi Yang, Shin-ichi Tashiro, Satoshi Onodera, Takashi Ikejima. Oridonin induces human melanoma A375-S2 cell death partially through inhibiting insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor signaling. J Asian Natur Product Res, 10(8):777-788, 2008.
4. Jian Huang, XH Tang, T Ikejima, XJ Sun, XB Wang, RG Xi, LG Wu. A new triterpenoid from Panax ginseng exhibits cytotoxicity through p53 and the caspase signaling pathway in the HepG2 cell line. Arch Pharm Res, 31(3):323-329, 2008.
5. Yan Cheng, Feng Qiu, Jian Huang, Shin-ichi Tashiro, Satoshi Onodera, Takashi Ikejima. Apoptosis-suppressing and autophagy-promoting effects of calpain on oridonin-induced L929 cell death. Arch Biochem Biophys, 475(2):148-155, 2008.
6. Jia Yang, Li-jun Wu, Shin-ichi Tashiro, Satoshi Onodera, Takashi Ikejima. Reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide regulate mitochondria-dependent apoptosis and autophagy in evodiamine-treated human cervix carcinoma HeLa cells. Free Radical Research, 42:492-504, 2008.
7. Jinghua Yu, Xiangru Li, Shin-ichi Tashiro, Satoshi Onodera, Takashi Ikejima. Bcl-2 family proteins were involved in Pseudolaric acid B-induced autophagy in murine fibrosarcoma L929 cells. J Pharmacol Sci, 107(3):295-302, 2008.
8. Hong-jun Wang, Shin-ichi Tashiro, Satoshi Onodera and Takashi Ikejima. Inhibition of IGF-1R signaling enhances silibinin induced activation of death receptor and mitochondrial apoptotic pathways in MCF-7 cells. J Pharmacol Sci, 107(3):260-269, 2008. 
9. 張培,池島喬,森望。Shc相關磷酸化酪氨酸適配蛋白在衰老過程中的調控作用。藥學學報, 43(8):793-800, 2008。
10. Jinghua Yu, Hongjun Wang, Xiangru Li, Shin-ichi Tashiro, Satoshi Onodera, Takashi Ikejima. Protein tyrosine kinases, JNK and ERK involvement in pseudolaric acid B-induced apoptosis of human breast cancer MCF-7 cells. Acta Pharmacol Sin, 29(9):1069-76, 2008. 
11. Jian Huang, Lijun Wu, Shin-ichi Tashiro, Satoshi Onodera, Takashi Ikejima. Reactive oxygen species mediates oridonin-induced HepG2 apoptosis through p53, MAPK and mitochondrial pathways. J Pharmacol Sci, 107(4):370-379, 2008.
12. Yan Cheng, Feng Qiu, Shin-ichi Tashiro, Satoshi Onodera, Takashi Ikejima. ERK and JNK mediate TNF?-induced p53 activation in apoptotic and autophagic L929 cell death. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication (BBRC), 376(3):483-488, 2008.
13. Jin-Nan Wu, Jian Huang, Jia yang, Shin-ichi Tashiro, Satoshi Onodera, Takashi Ikejima. Caspase inhibition augmented oridonin-induced cell death in murine fibrosarcoma L929 by enhancing reactive oxygen species generation. J Pharmacol Sci, 108(1):32-39, 2008. 
14. Yahong Zhang, Yingliang Wu, Yan Cheng, Zhenkun Zhao, Shin-ichi Tashiro, Satoshi Onodera, Takashi Ikejima. Fas-mediated autophagy requires JNK activation in HeLa cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication (BBRC), 377:1205-1210, 2008.
15. Yahong Zhang, Yingliang Wu, Shin-ichi Tashiro, Satoshi Onodera, Takashi Ikejima. Involvement of PKC signal pathway in oridonin-induced autophagy in HeLa cells: a protective mechanism against apoptosis. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication (BBRC), 378:273-278, 2009.
16. Yan Cheng, Feng Qiu, Yuan-chao Ye, Shin-ichi Tashiro, Takashi Ikejima. Autophagy inhibits ROS-mediated apoptosis via activating p38-NF-?B survival pathway in oridonin-treated murine fibrosarcoma L929 cells. FEBS Journal, 276(5):1291-1306, 2009.
17. Yan Cheng, Feng Qiu, Takashi Ikejima. Molecular mechanisms of oridonin-induced apoptosis and autophagy in murine fidrosarcoma L929 cells. Autophagy, 2009 5(3), 430-431, 2009.
18. Zhou B, Ikejima T, Watanabe T, Iwakoshi K, Idei K, Tanuma S, T, Uchiumi F. The effect of 2-deoxy-Dglucose on Werner syndrome RecQ helicase gene. FEBS Letters, 583:1331-1336, 2009.
19. Ma E, Li Y, Zhang W, Weng X, tai W, Li T, Zhang L, Ikejima T. 2()- induces G2/M phase arrest and apoptosis in HeLa cells. Toxicol in Vitro, 23(5):874-879, 2009.
20. Ping Lu, Takayoshi Mamiya, Akihiro Mouri, Lingling Lu, Taku Nagai, Masayuki Hiramatsu, Libo Zou, Takashi Ikejima, Toshitaka Nabeshima. Silibinin prevents amyloid ? peptide-induced memory impairment and oxidative stress in mice. British Journal of Pharmacology, in press [Epub ahead of print], 2009.
21. Yahong Zhang, Yingliang Wu, Shin-ichi Tashiro, Satoshi Onodera, Takashi Ikejima. NF-?B facilitates oridnin-induced apoptosis and autophagy in HT1080 cells through a p53-mediated pathway. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, in press [Epub ahead of print], 2009.
22. Lu P, Mamiya T, Lu LL, Mouri A, Hiramatsu M, Zou LB, Ikejima, Nabeshima T. Silibinin attenuate amyloid ? peptide-induced memory impairments:Implication of tumor necrosis factor-? (TNF-?) andinducible nitric oxide synthetase (iNOS) in mice. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, in press [Epub ahead of print], 2009.
23. Cheng Y, Qiu F, Ye YC, Tashiro SI, Onodera S, Ikejima T. Oridonin induces G(2)/M arrest and apoptosis via activating ERK-p53 apoptotic pathway and inhibiting PTK-Ras-Raf-JNK survival pathway in murine fibrosarcoma L929 cells. Arch Biochem Biophys. 2009 Aug 20. [Epub ahead of print]
24. Hongjun Wang, Yuanyuan Jiang, Xiaofeng Wei, Huai Huang, Shin-ichi Tashiro, Satoshi Onodera, Takshi Ikejima. Silibinin induces protective superoxide generation in human breast cancer MCF-7 cells. Free Radical Research, in press, 2009
25. Yuanyuan Jiang, Hongjun Wang, Jing wang, Shin-ichi Tashiro, Satoshi Onodera, Takashi Ikejima. The protective effect of silibinin on human melanoma A375-S2 cells against mitomycin c-induced intrinsic apoptosis. J Pharmacol Sci, in press, 2009.



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